About Shawnassey H Brooks

Shawnassey H Brooks

Shawnassey H Brooks

Title: Attorney

Firm/Company: Frascogna Entertainment Law

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Shawnassey Howell Brooks is an attorney with the Frascogna Law Firm.  She has extensive experience in representing clients in the film, TV, book publishing, and music industries.  She is the author of Entertainment Law for the General Practitioner, published by the American Bar Association.

On-Demand Courses Taught at Barristers

Entertainment Law, Part 1 (Book Publishing)

An overview of the nuts & bolts of representing clients in the book publishing industry. Part 1 of our introductory series on entertainment law.


Entertainment Law, Part 2 (Movies & TV)

Part 2 of our introductory series on entertainment law. This installment focuses on the ins and outs of guiding clients through film and TV projects.


Entertainment Law, Part 3 (Music Industry)

Part 3 of our introductory series on entertainment law. This installment focuses on the basics of representing clients in the music industry.
