After a 3-year interruption due to COVID, the Alabama Commission on Mandatory CLE has restored the old rule that limits how many CLE hours can be earned through On-Demand courses. For 2023 and beyond, Alabama attorneys can earn a maximum of 6 hours per year via On-Demand courses. The remaining 6 hours must be earned at a "live" CLE event. "Live" CLE events include online Live Webcasts, as well as In-Person seminars.
All Barristers courses are approved by the Alabama State Bar and thus suitable for Connecticut attorney CLE credit.
For the 2023-2024 CLE reporting year that ends July 31, 2024, please note that the 6-hour In- Person CLE requirement has been restored! (You will recall that this requirement was suspended in 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2023 due to COVID.) This means that Mississippi attorneys can now earn no more than 6 hours of CLE per year with online CLE courses (On-Demand or Live Webcasts). The remaining 6 hours of CLE (or all 12 if you prefer In-Person courses) must be earned at In-Person CLE courses.
Note that Missouri now requires 1 hour of "Elimination of Bias" credit as part of the 3 required ethics hours.
On-Demand CLE courses are considered "self-study" courses under Missouri CLE Regulations. Missouri attorneys can earn no more than 6 hours of CLE per year through On-Demand and other self-study formats, but no ethics credit can be earned through On-Demand CLE or other self-study CLE. Instead, ethics credits should be earned at "live" CLE events, including Live Webcasts online.
All Live Webcasts listed on the Missouri page of our website have been fully accredited by the Missouri Bar MCLE Department for the number of credit hours indicated. Insofar as On-Demand courses are concerned, the Missouri Bar MCLE Department classifies On-Demand courses as "self-study" CLE, and for that reason they do not pre-approve On-Demand courses. Instead the Missouri Bar relies on the individual attorney to self-report any CLE credits earned, including pre-approved Live Webcasts and self-study On-Demand courses.
New Jersey
New Jersey allows up to 12 hours to be earned online.
North Carolina
North Carolina allows all 12 hours of required CLE to be earned online through On-Demand online CLE or Live CLE Webcasts (or a combination of both).
Of the 12 hours required, 1 hour must be devoted to Technology Training (can be either an ethics hour or a general hour).
Also, in addition to the 2 hours of ethics credit required each year, North Carolina mandates that attorneys earn 1 hour of CLE every 3 years on the topic of Substance Abuse/Mental Health Awareness. (This triennial Substance Abuse hour is credited to the overall 12-hour requirement for the year, but not to the 2-hour ethics requirement.)
Oklahoma now allows all 12 hours of required CLE to be earned online in any format (live webcast, on-demand video, or mp3 audio downloads).
Also, note that a recent amendment to the Oklahoma CLE Rules requires that attorneys earn at least 2 hours of ethics credit per year. (In the past only 1 ethics hour was required.)
Effective November 1, 2022, the Tennessee Supreme Court has permanently eliminated the old rule that previously required 7 hours of In-Person CLE. Therefore, Tennessee attorneys can now earn ALL 15 hours of CLE each year with online CLE courses (including On-Demand CLE and Live Webcasts).